Wednesday 10 November 2010

Donor survey web form is ready

As part of our on-going work to ingest born-digital materials, we have implemented a donor survey web form. In the evolving AIMS work flow, the donor survey occurs pre-ingest. The data collected in the survey may become part of the Submission Information Packet (SIP). This is our first attempt at testing several ideas. We expect to make changes and we invite comments. Our donor survey web site is open to archivists and other people interested in born-digital work flows. See the account request information below.

I realized I could quickly adapt an existing application as a donor survey, if the application were flexible enough. A couple of years ago I created a mini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The programmer can easily modify the fields in the forms, although users cannot add fields ad-hoc. The mini LIMS has its own security and login system, and users are in groups. For the purposes of the AIMS donor survey, one section of the LIMS becomes the “donor info”, another section becomes the “survey”.

Using the list of fields that Liz Gushee, Digital Archivist here at UVa, gathered while working with the other AIMS archivists, I put the donor’s name, archivist name and related fields into the “donor” web form. All the survey questions went into the “survey” web form. The survey will support distinct surveys from the same donor over time to allow multiple accessions.

Our next step will be to map donor survey fields to various standard formats for submission agreements and other types of metadata. While the donor survey data needs to be integrated into the SIP workflow, we haven’t written the transformation and mapping code. We are also lacking a neatly formatted, read-only export of the donor survey data. Our current plan is to use Rubymatica to build a SIP, and that process will include integration of the donor survey data. The eventual product will be one or more Hydra heads. Learn more about Hydra:

Everyone is invited to test our beta-release donor survey. Please email Tom to request an account. Include the following 3 items in your email:

1) Your name
2) A password that is not used elsewhere for anything important
3) Institutional affiliation or group so I know what group to assign you to, even if your group has only one person.

I'll send you the URL and further instructions.

On the technical side, there were some interesting user interface (UI) and coding issues. Liz suggested comment fields for the survey, and we decided to offer archivists a comment for every question. I used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to minimize the size of comment fields so that the web page would not be a visual disaster. If one clicks in a comment, it expands. Click out of it, and it shrinks back down.

The original LIMS never had more than a dozen fields. The donor survey is very long and required some updates to the UI. By using a JQuery function ajax() I was able to create a submit button that would save the survey without redrawing the web page. CSS code was required to make the save buttons remain in a fixed location while the survey questions scrolled.

The mini LIMS relies on a Perl closure to handle creation of the web forms, and saving of the data to the database. Calling functions from the closure creates the fields. A closure is similar to a class in Java or Ruby, but somewhat more powerful. The data structures from the closure are passed to Perl’s HTML::Template module to build the web pages from HTML templates.

The mini LIMS was originally created to use PostgreSQL (aka Postgres), but I’ve converted it to us SQLite. SQLite is a zero-administration database, easily accessed from all major programming languages, and the binary database file is directly portable to all operating systems. Perl’s DBI database connectivity is database agnostic. However, some aspects of the SQL queries are not quite portable. Postgres uses “sequences” for primary keys. Sequences are wonderful, and vastly superior to auto-increment fields. SQLite does not have sequences, so I had to create a bit of code to handle the differences. The calendar date functions are quite different between Postgres and SQLite, so once again, I had to generalize some of the SQL queries related to date and time.

There was one odd problem. Postgres and SQLite are both fully transactional. However, because SQLite is an “embedded” database, it cannot handle database locks as elegantly as client-server databases. Normally this is not a problem, and all databases have some degree of locking. In this instance I got a locking error when preparing a second query in one transaction. Doing a commit after the first query appears to have fixed the problem. I’ve worked with SQLite for several years an never encountered this problem. It could be a bug in the Perl SQLite DBD driver. Using the sqlite_use_immediate_transaction did not solve the problem.

The mini LIMS source code is available.

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